Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Scenes from the river's edge...

Just a few photos taken out in front of our house..... the Wankinco River is tidal... so at low tide i can do some "beach combing" in the mud.  There was a foot bridge that crossed from our side, across to the little factory compound for the historic Tremont Nail Factory.  Where our house is now;  used to be "workers cottages" (not sure when exactly).... the bridge is all but gone, but it's shell remains.  If you dig in the ground at all you turn up old bottles and broken pottery and pieces of shoe leather, it's like an archeology dig out there!  Lots of fun if you have a few moments on your hands and don't mind a little mud under your nails! 


  1. I love these! Is that what's left of the bridge on the last photo? It's so great that you have such a nice neighborhood.

  2. Archeological dig?? I'm on my way! I love stuff like that. These pictures are beautiful.

  3. Yes, those are the little nubs that are left from the brigdge.... i guess the salty water preserves them pretty good. There are only 4 houses on our dirt road. Christina, bring a little spade and come on over! Just watch your fingers with the broken glass...

  4. That place is heaven on earth. I could spend hours there, digging and wandering around. You live at a lovely place Mel.

  5. Your welcome to dig and wander anytime... it is lovely, thank you. I should try to appreciate it more often. :)

  6. I LOVE these pictures. I'm really envious of your great photography. I am DEFINITELY going to make more of an effort to take some pics (even if they are rubbish at first)from now on. Any tips?... keep it simple though, don't get all technical on me, I'm a press-the-button-and-see-what-comes-out photographer at the moment! :)

  7. Lesson 1: Photography 101
    Get close to your subject, (unless it has large horns or sharp teeth), hold nice and still when you push the button, and have fun with it! :) I can't wait to see some photos!
