Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day! 2013

Happpy St. Paddy's Day to ye'!  
 I thought I would share some of my favorite Irish quotes/sayings; and some art from across the years to go with.
Wishing you a wonderful day filled with leprechauns and the finding of  the pot of gold at the end of your rainbow! 
May you never forget what is worth remembering,
Or remember what is best forgotten.
 May your troubles be as few and as far apart as my Grandmothers teeth.
May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night,
and the road downhill all the way to your door.
May you always be blessed
with walls for the wind,
a roof for the rain,
a warm cup of tea by the fire,
laughter to cheer you,
those you love near you,
and all that your heart might desire.

Mouse on the Barroom floor.....
Some Guinness was spilled on the barroom floor
when the pub was shut for the night.
Out of his hole crept a wee brown mouse
and stood in the pale moonlight.
He lapped up the frothy brew from the floor,
then back on his haunches he sat.
And all night long you could hear him roar,
‘Bring on the goddam cat!’
 May those who love us love us.
 And those that don’t love us, May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn’t turn their hearts, May he turn their ankles,
So we’ll know them by their limping. ~

"May the dust of your carriage blind the eyes of your foe!"
May you have no frost on your Spuds,
No worms on your cabbage.
May your goat give plenty of milk.
If you inherit a donkey, may she be in foal.


  1. A late Happy St. Patrick's Day to you Mel. Cool post. You made me smile from ear to ear. :-)

  2. Happy St Patricks day to you Melody. Fabulous rhymes and sayings!
    Love your O'Squeaks too...especially the open mouthed one under the barrel tap! What a place to be!
    Ali x

  3. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you Melody. I loved reading through your post, wonderful Irish sayings and as always, I love seeing your creative art work!

  4. Oh I'm now doing the Irish jig with cousin Martha, clapping wildly and sipping green Guiness we are ~ and holding it high chanting " Ears to you Ms Melody Lorraine ! " ;)

  5. Hope your St. Paddy's day was a good one! I just love those dancing mice in the pub! You have such a talent for drawing those dear little creatures. The snake comments made me laugh out loud and I LOVE the sheep crossing sign! I am still waiting for the tote bag to arrive from Zazzle...these things take time because they are custom orders I suppose - they don't keep hundreds in stock, they make them one at a time. Sigh. Patience is never my strong suit!

  6. I love these little mice and even though I thought those snakes were worms at first (very happy worms), that little picture brought joy to my heart! happy St Pat's, one day late!

  7. Thanks to each and every one of you for coming for a St Paddy's day visit! :))))) Love to have you visit! :))))

  8. My favorite is Irish Alzheimer's - forget everything but the grudge. :<)
    I really love your drawings. You have a real gift.

  9. Lovely drawings!.....they make me smile. They look effortless....a sign of real skill. xx

  10. You have a great sense of humour. The drawings are wonderful, full of character and details.

  11. Oh I do love this my Grandmother was Irish so I get it. Beautiful illustrations and your words made me smile. B

  12. Brilliant little drawings and artwork Mel, I missed this one. Love the inside of the pub and all the sayings. :)

  13. Melody these drawings are fabulous. You should illustrate a children's book. Your life is so wonderful. I am so glad that you joined my blog today so I could meet you. I also live on a farm with 3 huge dogs, Daisy, Rufus and Atticus and 3 cats, Luca, Stella and Layla. I am also an artist and my favourite movies are Chocolat and Secret of Roan Innish ( did no know anyone else had seen that). Your horses are so lovely. I am so happy to have met you and I look forward to seeing other posts when you get time from you very busy life. I am going to catch up on all of your posts too.


  14. I am very happy to meet you too Sue! Thank you for your kind words about my art and my world~ I wish there were more hours in the day so I could have more time to get enjoy the beautiful life we've created...and to spend more time with the artsy side of life. :))Gives me something to strive for i guess?
    Your farmhouse is 235 years old??? I'm drooling ~ and picture it to be amazing, can you imagine the stories it could tell???? Old houses endlessly fascinate me! I will post again soon, when inspiration strikes and time permits! :))) I very much look forward to gettig to know you! :)))Please Visit again! :)))
    p.s. any other movie picks? ~ clearly you have good taste! :)))

  15. Hi Melody, thanks so much for following my blog. I am delighted to see all of your cute little critter creations! I see in your sidebar several artists that I also admire and your list of what makes you happy, is very similar to mine! Have a wonderful week! ~~Diane

  16. So very nice to meet you Melody.. A keeper of memories.... I love it.
    What a charming blog you have created.. I see you are also a very talented artist.. Your illustrations are wonderful!
    Thank you so much for your visit and following along with me.. I am a new reader of yours and will visit again soon.
