Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Blizzard! 2015

Just when I was starting to think we weren't having winter this year.  
Well,  it seems to have shown up all at once!
It's been snowing, and blowing and snowing since last night.... and it still is! 
Almost 3:30 on Tuesday now, and it's still going!
Feet of snow! (and huge drifts!)
I'm loving it, and loving that *knock on wood*, the power has stayed on!  
Gets less fun quick without proper electricity!
So, you enjoy the scenery, and I'm gonna gulp down my cup of tea and get ready for the next round of shoveling.  Had to dig out the rabbit's cages twice already!  Not to mention some places for the ponies to stand... and us to walk.. and I don't really know where my car is exactly...  ???
But I love it ~ and I am SO glad I'm not on a tropical island someplace, missing this!  
No, seriously ~ I'd be upset!

No need to comment on my pants.  They make me happy.  :))))