I know;.... if you don't like the weather in New England just wait a minute ~ it's bound to change.... but while I'm waiting can I have a bucket of cool water for my feet and a nice cold glass of iced tea? As I type the thermometer is hovering around 85 degrees... down about 10 from earlier today. There are two St. Bernards here who are thinking that's still not exactly cool. They've been hosed down, and are sprawled inches from the fan, like big wet bear rugs..... When I'm done typing I may join them.
Usually I like to hang out in the garden on the longest day of the year....just in case those fairies decide to pay me a visit finally. I suspect they are probably going be going for a dip in the gold fish pond as soon as the sun finally sets. Fish don't eat fairies do they? Hmmmmm.
So that's it for now.... just a quick hello and happy wishes ~
I hope your summer is full of laughs....
I hope your summer is full of laughs....
and a little rain for the garden... but not too much.
and a little bit of magic.