This new year has brought some snow with it!
Our weather people have taken to giving every storm a name ...
seems names are not just for hurricanes anymore...
This one?
I don't know about this naming policy.
But...Ehh, who am I to talk, I name trees....
So we had a snow day today ~ no snow plow came to our road until after lunch some time, and my little car doesn't make a very good snow plow, so I stayed home from work.
Heck the Governor wanted me (and everyone else) to, how can you argue with that?
So blah, blah, blah... lets look at some pictures shall we?
I do love me some snow flakes.. |
If you angle it all just right, you can see the snowflake, and the fireplace reflected in the window at the same time! |
That's not even the fake stuff they sell in a can ~ that's REAL snow! |
Little mouse was content to view the scene from inside...
(he needs a name...something proper and English sounding.. oo oo, how about Onslo (like Mrs. Bucket's brother in law?) |
I love the water colors effect... See the teeny horse shoe, next to the big one?
Can you hear my Grandfather singing? "I found a horse shoe, I picked it up and nailed it 'or the door ~ twas old and rusty, and full of nail holes
Good luck, good luck twill bring for ever more~~" |
Junco in the Winterberry bush~ |
Cardinal with his Junco friend.... |
Cricket ~ after some serious rooting about in the snow, hoping to uncover a secret cache of hay.... |
JoJo: "Seriously... you and that camera... "
"Don't you have treat or something?" |
"hay will do.... was hoping for a carrot though..."
*munch*munch* |
Yipeeee, snow! |
Is that a snowman?
can I lick him? |
Clyde is taking all the snow in stride.... |
"Are you getting my good side Mum? I'm smiling!"
"and blocking my brother from view...." he he he |
I hope my hair don't freeze like this.... |
*dun da da dun* Super Dog! |
Brrrrrrr |
Cool swoopy ocean wave icicle! |
"Hurry up and take the picture... you know I hate standing snow...." |
Good boy Marley! :)))) |
The chilly day, drawing to a close.... |
"what? Is there something on my face?" |
Frosted Ava ~ :) |
Weeeeee! |
*shake*shake* |
ZZZzzzzzzzzzz...... |
I'll be back soon ~ with some arts and crafts for show and tell.... ?
That would be a nice trend for the new year!
Hope you are warm, safe, healthy and Happy where ever you may be!