Wednesday, January 22, 2014

In the heart of hibernation season~~

Outside it's winterish ~
But inside, there's flowers a blooming!
Bougainvillea is blossoming~

and Orchids, oh my!

and geraniums....

and begonias....

a hot cup of tea and Hob Nobs!
Limpid green eyes.....
The craft corner...
Work in progress~
Jo Jo in the snow...
A robin looking for lunch...
waiting in the wings...
female Cardinal
Snacking in the storm~

The finished project ~ 
end of day......

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Did someone say something about art?

Well see,  if you wait long enough, something is bound to turn up in here art wise!

 Nothing to write home about...but something anyway!


I'll see what else I can whip up this winter~

Hope you are having an O.K. Thursday, where ever you may be!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Winter Fun! ~ 2014

Welcome back!  Thanks for dropping by~~  a few more pictures for you.... as winter continues.
You need a warm cat (or 10), and a pink woozy blanket for cold winter nights....
                                              Time for crafting on the icy cold days...
Hubby's newest wood carving..

A wee little pony of course!

Look at this snappy fellow!
"Who's he?"

"You smell pretty good..."

"You're nose....tastes like carrot...."

"You give that back, that's my Mum's scarf!"


"You've got a fleck of carrot stuck to your face... let me get that for you...."


"I don't want to alarm you.... but his head fell off." 

Rhubarb Bunny

So I do have some art.... honest...but it's just so much fun to play in the snow.....

I'll be back again.... with some art.   Really.   :))))

Friday, January 3, 2014

Snow Day! January 3, 2014 ~

This new year has brought some snow with it!
Our weather people have taken to giving every storm a name ...
seems names are not just for hurricanes anymore... 
This one?
 I don't know about this naming policy.
But...Ehh, who am I to talk, I name trees....
So we had a snow day today ~ no snow plow came to our road until after lunch some time, and my little car doesn't make a very good snow plow, so I stayed home from work.
Heck the Governor wanted me (and everyone else) to, how can you argue with that?
So blah, blah, blah... lets look at some pictures shall we?
I do love me some snow flakes..

If you angle it all just right, you can see the snowflake, and the fireplace reflected in the window at the same time!

That's not even the fake stuff they sell in a can ~ that's REAL snow!

Little mouse was content to view the scene from inside...
(he needs a name...something proper and English sounding.. oo oo, how about Onslo (like Mrs. Bucket's brother in law?) 

I love the water colors effect...
See the teeny horse shoe, next to the big one?
Can you hear my Grandfather singing?
"I found a horse shoe, I picked it up and nailed it 'or the door ~ twas old and rusty, and full of nail holes
Good luck, good luck twill bring for ever more~~"

Junco in the Winterberry bush~

Cardinal with his Junco friend....

Cricket ~ after some serious rooting about in the snow, hoping to uncover a secret cache of hay....

JoJo:  "Seriously... you and that camera... "
"Don't you have treat or something?"
"hay will do.... was hoping for a carrot though..."

Yipeeee, snow!

Is that a snowman? 
can I lick him?

Clyde is taking all the snow in stride....

"Are you getting my good side Mum?
I'm smiling!"
"and blocking my brother from view...."  he he he

I hope my hair don't freeze like this....

*dun da da dun*  Super Dog!


Cool swoopy ocean wave icicle! 

"Hurry up and take the picture... you know I hate standing snow...."

Good boy Marley!  :))))

The chilly day, drawing to a close....

"what?  Is there something on my face?"

Frosted Ava ~  :)



 I'll be back soon ~ with some arts and crafts for show and tell.... ?
That would be a nice trend for the new year!
Hope you are warm, safe, healthy and Happy where ever you may be!